The Story of Rick

I’d like to share the story of Rick, who I met at a soup kitchen. I invited him to join us to remove blight from an area neighborhood for a days wage. After that experience, he became one of our regular participants. He would take a bus to wait for me when I came out in the morning and ask, "Are you going to work today? I would like to join you.”

Rick’s hard work and desire for permanent employment led me to help him find a full time job. He had no food, no furniture, no income. He just wanted any job. I recommended Rick as a dishwasher at a local restaurant. A couple of weeks later, I visited Rick and asked him how he was doing. He told me, "I’m in paradise.”

He said he likes taking care of himself. He said he had actually been offended by those who, in an effort to be helpful and kind, profiled him as homeless and offered him socks or a sandwich. He would say: "I don’t need a sandwich. What I need is a job.’”

Today, Rick is his own person. “I wake up every morning, take the bus, work from 9-5,” said Rick. “I get off, go home, take a shower, relax, and then wake up again and do the same thing. I love it.” Since joining the restaurant staff, Rick has been named Employee of the Month.

Rick is 62 years old and has served time in prison. After being released, he found himself unable to find work and homeless. He is now proud to again be a contributing member of the local community.


The Story of Trevor


The Story of Renne