To provide dignity to people experiencing homelessness in the City of Detroit.

How are we working to achieve our goals?

Better WAY Detroit™ [BWD] engages, pays, feeds, and counsels homeless persons, and connects them to services for housing, medical and mental health care, and stable employment opportunities.

In return, BWD participants help community organizations like St. Vincent de Paul-Detroit and Detroit Goodfellows serve the underserved.  During the summer months, we also help clean Detroit parks and neighborhoods of trash and overgrowth to help make them safer. 

Through their efforts, BWD participants inspire community spirit, pride of ownership, and confidence in the dignity of work.  While serving as participants, we also mentor them so that we can best help them find permanent employment after their service.

Our Story

Better WAY Detroit™ was founded by Fr. Marko Djonovic, a Catholic priest, and today is organized as a 501(3)(c) secular corporation, on which Fr. Marko serves as a member of the governing board. The initiative is currently 100% funded by individual donations which are essential to the continued growth of the program. 

Please take a few minutes to view the videos on this page. The video above helped us launch the program and tells our initial story. The video below documents how we have evolved.

You can also read success stories on our BWD Stories page. We hope that as you learn more about Better WAY Detroit™, you will consider supporting this unique initiative and help us to bring dignity through work to Detroit’s homeless people.

Meet Quiane Bates