The Story of Marc

“I would’ve been DEAD if I didn’t meet you and get this job.” These are the recent words of a local homeless man that you helped through your generous support of Better Way Detroit. I will call him Marc.

When I first met Marc, he was in deep despair. He came out of prison, and soon after was homeless. Then he gave up trying to find work. He felt that his criminal record and lack of connections would keep him from ever progressing back to a normal life.

“I was like a tumbleweed, going from shelter to the shelter,” said Marc. “The only thing that I looked forward to was my work with Better Way Detroit and the Sunday fellowship with them at church.”

During one such fellowship, Marc talked about how he appreciated the encouragement he received from others as we talked about our shared struggles. He also mentioned that it felt good working with Better Way because we were doing God's work by cleaning up the community.

“Being able to escape from the homeless culture for part of the day by working was very helpful for my soul,” Marc said.

“The homeless culture is toxic, and it’s mentally draining. At the shelter, drugs are available 24/7. It’s very tempting, especially when you have a history of drug use. It can also be physically draining. At the shelter I was staying at, you had to sleep upright in a chair.”

After observing how hard Marc worked cleaning the local neighborhoods with me and other homeless men, I helped him obtain a construction job. With his new employment, he was able to leave the shelter and begin living on his own at a run-down hotel. But, after three weeks of employment, he was fired.

So, he returned to the shelter. I didn’t give up hope for him. Marc was willing to learn from the mistakes he made at his first job. I was able to help Marc obtain another construction job. He has now been working there for two years!

“I continue to battle everyday, yet I thank God for this job, and for hope. I feel blessed,” Marc said.

“My experience with Better Way Detroit has shown that with God’s intervention, a person can get out of the homeless hell.”

Thank you for your prayers and for all you do for Better Way Detroit. May God bless you and your loved ones.


The Story of Renne


The Story of Siwonda